AMECEA Bishops commend religious women for bringing energised positivity and cohesion to the mission of Christ.

The Bishop Chairman of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Charles Kasonde, has congratulated and commended the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) for bringing energised positivity and cohesion to the mission of Christ.

The appreciation and commendation by AMECEA was made at the “synod on synodality” second meeting between Bishops representing the AMECEA regions and the ACWECA religious women leadership team.

The appreciation and commendation by AMECEA was made at the “synod on synodality” second meeting between Bishops representing the AMECEA regions and the ACWECA religious women leadership team.

Africa is a sleeping giant

“We cherish these bonds of relationships, but in so doing, we realised that the associations under ACWECA, the mother of religious women organisations, bring a lot of positivity and cohesion to the mission of Christ, and this has to be commended. To our sisters, we say congratulations!” said Bishop of Zambia’s Solwezi Diocese, Charles Kasonde.  He was speaking in his capacity as AMECEA Bishop President.

The meeting took place at the Donum Dei Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.

Speaking about how AMECEA and ACWECA could contribute to the greater vision of the African continent, Bishop Kasonde spoke of the need to challenge African politicians and presdients under the African Union (AU) to look at ways and means of strengthening their bonds of relationship as political leaders. This would enable Africa’s politicians to contribute to the governance of Africa in a manner that helps the emancipation of Africa.

The Bishop said that Africa is a sleeping giant endowed by the grace of God with various gifts, ranging from good climate, mineral wealth, and resources that can clearly develop Africa and emancipate it by empowering its poor populations.